High School Men’s Retreat
St Thérèse volunteered to host August 28th a Catholic high school men’s retreat from Portland metro area. This program is run by the Saint John Society, through their Old River Pastoral Center in West Linn, OR. They spent a night with us in Halfway, then the following morning started a 4-day trek across the Wallowa Wilderness, ending in Joseph for a 3-day rest at a Wallowa Lake Bible camp facility. Here are some photos.

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
through Ontario, OR and Fruitland, ID
As part of the 2024 National Eucharistic Revival Congress, meeting in Indianapolis, IN, there where four Eucharistic Pilgrimages started earlier, from routes through the North, South, East and West of the entire United States of American. These four routes were individual Eucharistic Processions of our Lord Jesus Christ, his true presence, passing across our nation, allowing faithful Catholics thoughout our nation to participate in this history event. The following pictures are from the western route, appropriately called St Junipero Serra Route, starting in San Francisco, and passing through our Diocese of Baker, on the way to the Congress. These photos are from the May 27th procession though Onterio, OR at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, then on to Fruitland, ID at Corpus Christi Parish.