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Mass and Barbecue, PDX High School Visitors

St Therese has volunteered to host for one Sunday evening a Catholic high school men’s retreat from Portland metro area.  This program is run by the Saint John Society, through their Old River Pastoral Center in West Linn, OR. They will be spending a night with us in Halfway, then the following morning will start a 4-day trek across the Wallowa Wilderness, ending in Joseph for a 3-day rest at a Wallowa Lake Bible camp facility.  Come join us for a wonderful evening.

Schedule for Event

Sunday July 28th
3:30 pm Arrival of guests, Halfway Fairgrounds 
5 pm Early Evening Mass, St Therese 
5:50 pm  Barbecue Potluck, Outdoor Games @ Wayne and Karen Endersby
(48330 Cornucopia Hwy)

Monday July 29th
8 am  Departure for Summit Point Trailhead
9:30 am Vehicle Shuttle to United Methodist Wallowa Lake Camp in Joseph

July 6

Movie Night at St Thérèse

August 8

Life & Works: St John Henry Newman